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How Does the NOM Certification Conformity Assessment Work?

Companies must demonstrate the compliance of products and goods with a given Official Mexican Standard prior to their import to Mexico and sale in the Mexican market. This is where NOM certification comes in.

In order to comply and secure NOM certification, companies must ensure that they can produce official documents demonstrating that their goods and products meet the requirements and specifications described by the authorities.

It is recommended that applicants work with duly accredited and approved certification agencies to perform the conformity assessment process for NOM certification.

Obtaining NOM certification includes the following steps:

1. Identifying the applicable NOMs: The first step is to identify the applicable NOMs for your product. This can be done with the support of an external expert or by consulting the Official Mexican Standards database on the website of the Mexican Secretariat of Economy.

2. Gathering product documentation: It is essential to have an up-to-date file of product documentation, including technical specifications, test reports, and labeling information. This documentation will be used to assess your product's compliance with the applicable NOM requirements.

3. Testing your product: To gain market access, your product must be tested in a laboratory to ensure that it meets the requirements of the applicable NOM. These tests should be done by an accredited laboratory in Mexico or one located outside of Mexico that has a Mutual Recognition Agreement (MRA) approved by the General Directorate of Standards (DGN) of the Mexican Secretariat of the Economy. NYCE, a QIMA company, is an accredited laboratory in Mexico with an MRA with certifying bodies outside Mexico.

4. Obtaining a NOM certificate: Once your product has passed testing you will receive a test report. With this test report, you can apply for a NOM certificate from a certification body like NYCE that has been approved and accredited by Mexican authorities. The certification body will review your product documentation and test results and issue a NOM certificate if your product meets the requirements of the applicable NOMs.

5. Marking your product with the NOM mark: Once you have obtained a NOM certificate, you can mark your product with the NOM mark. The NOM mark is a visual indicator that your product meets the requirements of the applicable NOMs. Bearing a NOM mark on your product means you will have access to the Mexican market without burden during importation, transportation, and/or commercialization.

The NOM certification process can be complex and time-consuming, but it is essential for ensuring that your products meet the requirements of the Mexican market. By following the steps outlined above and working with an approved certification body like NYCE, you can ensure that your products are properly certified and that you can enter the Mexican market without any problems.


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